Traits Selection Guide

Video, guiding document & examples to guide you to the most accurate results for your dog

The Dog Key algorithm is designed to identify common physical traits and patterns/relationships of traits in the various ten GENETIC working groups of dogs - NATURAL DOG, SIGHTHOUND, GUARDIAN, TOY DOG, BULL DOG, SCENT HOUND, GUNDOG, TERRIER, HERDING DOG, & WORLD DOG. 

Each group consists of breeds sharing distinct evolutionary histories and related artificial selection pressures for specific niche behaviors and traits that served to fit the desired functions for humans over thousands of years; and the physical patterns of physical features reflect these unique working ancestries. Many of the once highly desired behaviors bred into dogs over the years are now experienced as “problems” or disorders in modern pet conditions, as they are ill-fit for our environments and expectations. Knowing what the genetic influence is for a given dog can yield powerful insights into a dog’spropensity for various behaviors and help to explain the true sources of instincts maintained indogs today - as a result, humans are better able to set dogs up for success through morerealistic expectations and better preparation for the conditions of modern pet life.

Who is this for?

  • Shelters, rescues, vetenarians, trainers and other dog pros to use for dogs in their care

Kim Brophey

Applied ethologist, FDM, CDBC, CPDT-KA, & owner of The Dog Door Behavior Center Asheville, NC

Kim Brophey has garnered international attention in the industry for bringing applied ethology to the table, & wants you to pull up a seat & discover what you’ve been missing. You want, you need, a better life with your dog. Let’s evolve together.
Kim Brophey with dogs

Get the most accurate results

Understanding can change a great deal about our attitudes and practices with our dogs, as well as inform what kinds of environmental affordances, activities, enrichment, outlets, management, and experiences a given dog will likely need to thrive.

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to help you unravel the mystery of your own dog’s L.E.G.S.!

Get practical, customized solutions from qualified, nationally credentialed dog trainers & behavior consultants specially educated in the extensive science of L.E.G.S. to address the “behavior problems” dogs are experiencing and make life easier for everybody with practical solutions, dog hacks, & meaningful enrichment that makes life better for everybody!